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Lavanya Bahuguna


Uganda’s Yogini Khushi Shares How Yoga Helped Her Deal With Pregnancy & Nursing

  • IWB Post
  •  August 6, 2019


For the month of August, this Indian mama and Yogini is our fitness-inspiration. Khushi, a young woman who lives in Uganda, recently spoke to IWB about her health transformation and overcoming postpartum depression with the power of Yoga, which she started practicing out of boredom. 

🤰Still no baby lol. Expected due date is 24 Dec, so let’s see. One week to go (give or take). ☺️ Baby seems so patient though, no rush at all lol. 😂🙄🤷‍♀️ And I’m here feeling heavier each day. Remember to check with my dear cohosts Marina and Kaitlyn for their take on Twist pose. 😊 And I’m loving our gallery so far, keep ’em posts coming loves. . . 🧘‍♀️Catching up with Day 6 of ✨ #Re3viveYourBody Any Twist Pose. I chose a variation of Compass Pose. Your Hosts: 🧘‍♀️Khushi @stardivakhushi 🧘‍♀️Kaitlyn @kaitlynpatrizia . 🧘‍♀️Marina @simplemuffin Our generous Sponsor: 🎁@re3life #re3life wearing #re3 Tropical Adventure leggings. . . Mat: @liforme Mala: @yogisurprise _______________________________ #39weekspregnant#9monthspregnant#prenatalfitness#pregnancyfitness#pregnantyogi#preggofit#backbend#bodypositivity#yogisofinstagram#igyogachallenges#igyogacommunity#igyogafam#practiceandalliscoming#india_gram#yogaindia#yogachallenge#inspirepregnancy#pregnantnotpowerless#bumpie#fitpregnancyjourney

2,587 Likes, 26 Comments – Khushi | INDIA 🌴 (@stardivakhushi) on Instagram: “🤰Still no baby lol. Expected due date is 24 Dec, so let’s see. One week to go (give or take). ☺️…”

A professional Yoga teacher, Khushi completed her training from Akshiyoga Shala, Rishikesh. During the interview, as we discussed her life on the Yoga mat, Khushi spoke of the asanas that helped her revive herself physically and mentally during the rough labor days and while nursing. Excerpts below:

What drew you towards Yoga?

It started some 5 years ago when I had just got married and was trying some interesting Instagram Yoga Challenges out of boredom. Until a point where I got super intrigued about yoga and wanted to learn more about it, that’s when I enrolled for yoga teacher training and there’s no stopping since then. These many years into practice and yet things changed drastically after I became a mother. Pregnancy changes your body to every bit with the addition of Partum depression that I was going through.

I know it’s hard mama I know it can be hard to get up everyday and have these little ones rely on you. I know it’s hard to feel like sometimes your world is so small. I want to remind you, You are the world. You are the world that those little ones revolve around. You are their nurture, their home and their comfort. You are everything to them and I hope even on your hard days you know how special you are. Especially to your little ones. – read this on internet today and felt like sharing. Much love to all the Mamas out there. You’re doing great mama. We’re doing great. Much power. #postpartumjourney#postpartumfitness#ppd#breastfeedingmama#indianmom#indianyogi#igyogamoms#yogamom#fitmomlifemamalife#travelingwithbaby#womensupportwomen

1,559 Likes, 10 Comments – Khushi | INDIA 🌴 (@stardivakhushi) on Instagram: “I know it’s hard mama I know it can be hard to get up everyday and have these little ones rely on…”

Up to the point that it was getting hopeless and overwhelming that I turned myself towards yoga again. I got even more depressed after I realized that my hard-earned flexibility and strength were gone despite I been practicing yoga until the day I delivered my baby girl. My SI joint pain was terrible and I couldn’t bend or fold at all or move much on my mat. It was frustrating, to be honest, but then I calmed myself and tried the best I can to be compassionate and respectful towards my body. Slowly did I start and 4 months later, I am in a much better state of physical and mental health. This really boosts my confidence.

Has your vision as a Yogini got transformed during this new journey?

I guess so. Earlier, Yoga helped me achieve some major body goals but today, my focus has totally switched to bettering my emotional health and attaining mental peace. We don’t usually address the issue of Postpartum depression among nursing women, which eventually leads to their disrupted health overall. I was lucky I knew Yoga as my escape and ultimate solution.

A big THANK YOU to everyone who reached out to me (regarding yesterday post). 💖 I see you and I thank you. Your support at such moments means the world to me. 🙏🏼 Your loving intentions and words moved me to feel much better. ✨ Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. I’d try to keep sharing. Try. Yes. This is just a plain picture of same pose in two different phases of life. Prior AND after motherhood, it’s not a versus post of Pre- Pregnancy VS Post-pregnancy. That is all. Now what you interpret from it, is something I’d leave upto you today. I’d have written a good content for the post, but today is not the day. So keeping it real, just as it is. For me, I am embracing my journey inside out… At my best or lowest, it’s still me. And as a woman, as a mother and as a human, I’m whole. #mythoughtsfromheart . . Catching up with Day 15 of #YogaKnot with @cyogalife Pose: Low lunge. Much love to you all . . . . . #backbend#postpartumjourney#postpartumfitness#postpartumhealth#pregnancyfitness#fitmom#newmom#bodypositivity#yogisofinstagram#legday#igyogachallenges#igyogacommunity#igyogafam#workoutfit#india_gram#yogaindia#yogachallenge#inspirepregnancy#postpregnancy#postnatalyoga

3,338 Likes, 49 Comments – Khushi | INDIA 🌴 (@stardivakhushi) on Instagram: “A big THANK YOU to everyone who reached out to me (regarding yesterday post). 💖 I see you and I…”

Do you prefer any particular kind of Yoga?

It depends on my energy levels. If I feel too dull, I indulge in Yin Yoga. Otherwise, it’s always an hour of Ashtanga yoga or Vinyasa sessions.

What changes have you been observing since you began daily yoga practice?

On the spiritual level, I’ve become a much stable, calm and patience of a person. Physically, I feel stronger than ever as I witnessed my body doing some wonderful Yoga moves during the pregnancy period. I could even travel during my 6th and 7th, and in the first week of 9th month without inviting any health issues. That’s unusual, right? In fact, I remember hosting Instagram Yoga challenges while I was in my last trimester. Today, I can confidently say that it was Yoga because of which I could enjoy a healthy pregnancy and delivery experience.

When I started yoga 2.5 months postpartum while going through #postpartumdepression, it wasn’t a pleasant journey to be back on. I was struggling with my mobility big time. It was painful to move in any pose as my hip pain was absolutely terrible. I started regardless. With literally just 5 min. I wouldn’t know what to do after 5 min as there was nothing much my body was able to do anyway. I’d just lie in savasana. On the days I practiced longer, it only left me feeling more frustrated for why am I not able to do just the basics of folds and bends. But on most days I learned to be compassionate towards my body, to embrace it and be grateful. Now that I can splits fine on top pic while on the bottom pic I can’t go all the way down. However what’s deeper #transformation about my fitness journey has been is overcoming and emerging though a whole other level of struggles and challenges. More so from people actually than my body and motherhood. Everyday I would step out for a walk or commit to my healthy eating or say I’m gonna exercise now, I’d be judged harshly. Like real harsh. I’d hear all sort of things including, I never néed to do these things Coz they never did and they’re mother too! If I’d insist on my healthy lifestyle, I’d be told to start after Shagun is 9 month or rest up’. And I’d wonder, how much rest do we need really, like 9 months to recover from postpartum?!? Are you serious or you’re giving me the same excuses you used for yourself to never step outta your comfort zone?! I was 3 months postpartum already! I believe that unnecessary rest would lead you into making an absolute lazy being. Is that what you want? I don’t. So I’d rather mind my business, say nothing. I’ve always believed, stay active, stay fit.So regardless all the discouragement, I’d show up on my mat. Slowly my flexibility is coming back, so is my confidence in myself that #ppd had totally swallowed over (#mentalhealth). Also, I can bend mildly and folds are getting mucj deeper like the splits. *yikes!* Though I’m not able to splits on the side my hip hurts, swipe next to see the difference. Life’s good when you do you. #postpartumfitness#indianmom#igyogacommunity#bodyafterbaby

667 Likes, 9 Comments – Khushi | INDIA 🌴 (@stardivakhushi) on Instagram: “When I started yoga 2.5 months postpartum while going through #postpartumdepression, it wasn’t a…”

Why do you think pregnant women usually feel intimidated by Yoga?

Probably because they’re too afraid to perform those complex asanas! The trick is to fold & bend as much as you can, and not compete with the expert Yoga Gurus. I have got a lot of information on Dos & Don’ts on my Instagram page. In short, if you’ve never practiced yoga before getting pregnant, be extremely gentle to your body and ask your doctor before incorporating new exercises because every pregnancy is different. While some of us are asked to be on a complete bed-rest, others manage to pull it off till the last day of their labor.

Were you ever advised to not go overboard with your practice? Also, which asanas do you suggest to pregnant women?

I was told many things but I kept myself educated on the topic. I was aware of the fact that resting during the first trimester is absolutely important as the chances of miscarriage are high. Once you move to the next trimester, you can start with 10 to 30 minutes of walking, only if your medical reports are positive. For beginner level yogis, five rounds of Suryanamaskara are good enough. It’d be a great help if you can get a Prenatal yoga teacher to guide you through it but if not, YouTube is a great help, too.

If you’re already into Yoga, try including Pranayama like Ujjayi and Nadi Shodhna into your daily practice. These exercises help keep you calm during the hormonal changes. Also, never do any breathing retention asanas.

Anything specific for nursing mothers?

Yes! I’d suggest you to wait at least a month or two to get back to your Yoga journey. Let the stitches be healed completely, be it episiotomy or surgical stitches. I, for one, couldn’t start any sooner as I was also going through postpartum depression along with dealing with SI Joint Dysfunction where my left hip used to pain terribly. It occurred during the delivery process and seven months later, I’m still dealing with it. However, once the stitches are all healed, your physical and mental health has gotten much better and you think you’re ready to take on some physical activities, that’s about the right time.

We like that you don’t hide or photoshop your stretchmarks on social media. What do you have to say about it?

Ah, thank you! I think my stretch marks tell my story to the world, don’t they for every pregnant woman? I wear my pregnancy-marks proudly as they remind me of how fortunate I am to birth a human.

Good morning my loves! Apology I couldn’t post last night.I was down after 4 severe vomiting experience in last 2 days along with 4-5 moderate ones. Nevertheless sick stomach as well. Appetite has massively decreased too. To say I felt exhausted would still be an understatement, so I just preferred to rest up and take a break from posting for our challenge. I’m sharing my health updates pretty often because I do not want to mislead any mommys to be looking at my yoga pics assuming pregnancy be all rosy. I don’t know if there’s anything in life be all rosy all the time. But choosing to react differently with love and life in it be definitely helpful to me.Happy pictures are not the entire story of my pregnancy journey, though its an important one indeed. Yet I do not want to scare anybody either. Its just that I didn’t know a damn thing about pregnancy before I got pregnant so maybe sharing mine could help somebody out there to embrace their own pregnant body and changes that comes along with it too. Kindly show some love to your body. I understand it gets difficult to be all loving and compassionate by the end of 3rd trimester, yet that’s the time our body needs our support and compassion the most. I literally hugged my body and had a lovely conversation with my babybump last night. Nothing beats feeling ’em kicks and movements.❤️ Hope today it gets lil better. Remember to check with my dear Faith and Olesya for their post. ❤️ Much love to all. Welcome to Day 5 of 🌻 | #StretchYinDecember | With any: Lunge,Lizard or Splits Pose. Yin Hosts❣️ 🧘‍♀️Khushi @stardivakhushi 🧘‍♀️Olesya @fit_yoga_girl 🧘‍♀️Faith @faithfoxmama . Generous Sponsors❣️ 🎁@inspiritcollective : my top (use faithfoxmama15 for a discount) 🎁@quenchactivewear 🎁@yobaby_hk 🎁@eightfoldyoga 🎁@byteatopia 🎁@meraki.knots.macrame 🎁@insideoutsideoutsidein (use Leona20 for a discount) 🎁@vibratehigherofficial _______________________________ #37weekspregnant#9monthspregnant#prenatalfitness#pregnancyfitness#pregnantyogi#preggofit#pregnancyworkout#pregnantlife#bodypositivity#yogisofinstagram#igyogachallenges#igyogacommunity#igyogafam#practiceandalliscoming#india_gram#splits#yogaindia#yogachallenge

4,301 Likes, 66 Comments – Khushi | INDIA 🌴 (@stardivakhushi) on Instagram: “Good morning my loves! Apology I couldn’t post last night.I was down after 4 severe vomiting…”

What’s your message on body-positivity?

I believe that body-positivity and self-love are about loving yourself enough to improve yourself. Just claiming to be body-positive and still feeding the body junk food consistently doesn’t explain real love. It’s when you put the concrete efforts to change your destructive habits is what justifies what you say. Indeed, embrace your body as it is, acknowledge it and then work from there. Don’t be too hard on yourself but be disciplined enough to help it live longer.

🌎Day 3 of | #MotherEarthMothers | 🌺Theme: Wisdom 🌒Pose: Crescent Moon Pose. 🌼Today’s Affirmation: When things go differently than planned, I remain flexible and open to change. I don’t know if it’s coincidence to experience these two around the same time, that as my resistance to any change was getting so stubborn and soon enough I found out my spine had become too stiff to even lie down on my back.It wouldn’t stop hurting so bad.So much so that I was diagnosed with spinal meningitis along with constant bad headache and dealt with it for over 2 years.Meanwhile my mum passed away and I grew even more resistant to the changes happening around me.The more crazy stiff my muscles started getting and I started accumulating aches in different parts and joints in my body.I thought I’d die of diseases. Until long time later yoga happened to me. All I remember today that years later,my spine is healed of meningitis,my knees and hip joints are back in great health and my shoulders doesn’t hurt either anymore. As if life is flowing freely through every parts in my body.So all these experience combined firms my believe that with flexibility in mind,comes the flexibility in body too. I don’t know if it’s related but that’s how I like to connect it. I try not to freak out at the sight of change anymore.Though the bigger changes still shakes me up and I’m learning to keep calm through all of it,to accept and surrender to the reality of what IS.Coz reality never care how we’d like it to be,it is what it is,whether we accept it or not.So fighting with reality is pointless.The more I live through this awareness,the more peaceful I feel. Check with my dear Faith for her insights too.💖 Can’t wait to check your posts today loves. Hosted By: 🧘‍♀️Faith @faithfoxmama 🧘‍♀️Khushi @stardivakhushi Sponsored By: 🎁@onzie (my outfit) 🎁@soultrees 🎁@brigidsgrove (bracelet) 🎁@loveprayjewelry 🎁@insideoutsideoutsidein ________________________________ #34weekspregnant#prenatalfitness#pregnancyfitness#pregnantyogi#pregnancyworkout#pregnantlife#bodypositivity#yogisofinstagram#om#igyogacommunity#igyogafam#practiceandalliscoming#yogatutorial#india_gram#backbend#yogaindia#yogachallenge

3,080 Likes, 54 Comments – Khushi | INDIA 🌴 (@stardivakhushi) on Instagram: “🌎Day 3 of | #MotherEarthMothers | 🌺Theme: Wisdom 🌒Pose: Crescent Moon Pose. 🌼Today’s Affirmation:…”

Lastly, do you want to burst any myth regarding Yogis & Yoginis?

I don’t know, is there any? Though one thing I used to wonder while looking at the Yogis’ pictures was that yoga seems to be for flexible and strong people and I didn’t consider myself neither of it. Now four and half years into the practice, all I can tell you is it’s for every BODY, every kind of body. It’s the consistency to show up every day that makes you flexible and strong enough to lift your entire body on your hands. What we don’t see in those yoga pictures are the amount of time, efforts, discipline, and consistency it takes to get into those poses. So, start from where you are and stay consistent. There’s no magic pill, it’s all just the practice.

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