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This Is How Twitterati Reacted When Sushma Swaraj Tweeted A Farewell Note

  • IWB Post
  •  May 31, 2019

After the swearing-in ceremony ended on Thursday, Foreign Minister in the previous government, Sushma Swaraj, tweeted a ‘Thank you’ note to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for giving her an opportunity to serve people of India. The fact Swaraj wouldn’t continue as the foreign minister was confirmed when she sat on the audience row at the swearing-in event.

Over the last five years, Swaraj had gained popularity amongst the people of the country and abroad for helping citizens facing problems related to visa and passport in particular. However, she did not contest the 2019 Lok Sabha Elections due to health reasons. As Swaraj leaves a legacy of a people’s person, her decision of staying away from the ministerial seat in the new government has left many disappointed. Here’s how Twitterati reacted:

Sushma Swaraj on Twitter

प्रधान मंत्री जी – आपने 5 वर्षों तक मुझे विदेश मंत्री के तौर पर देशवासियों और प्रवासी भारतीयों की सेवा करने का मौका दिया और पूरे कार्यकाल में व्यक्तिगत तौर पर भी बहुत सम्मान दिया. मैं आपके प्रति बहुत आभारी हूँ. हमारी सरकार बहुत यशस्विता से चले, प्रभु से मेरी यही प्रार्थना है.

Chowkidar Raj Asthana on Twitter

The country will miss you in the cabinet respected @SushmaSwaraj maa’m 🙏 you were the real representation of what mother India would be as a person , caring of his children all over the globe , inspiring his children at every step ❤️ #womenempowerment #SushmaSwaraj


RAJSELVAN Dr Thangam on Twitter

Miss u madam Because of her v all came to know the real meaning of external ministry #Sushmaswaraj #modisarkar2

Ketan Nardhani on Twitter

Governments may change, the cabinets may change, but @SushmaSwaraj ji will go down as the most likeable cabinet ministers India has ever had. Indians Across The Globe Will Definitely Miss Her.Hope She Comes Back. #SushmaSwaraj Did An Amazing Work In Past 5 Years. #Respect 🙏

Navneet Kumar Baitha on Twitter

@SushmaSwaraj has opted out of the government to be sworn in on Thursday, due to health issues.😢 Across the Ministry of External Affairs a lot of moist eyes. One of the most loved and hardworking minister in Modi Cabinet.🙏 India terribly missed EAM #SushmaSwaraj . 1/1

Nikita Saxena on Twitter

Highly disappointed to not see @SushmaSwaraj @sureshpprabhu in the list of cabinet ministers. Any specific reason given yet? #ModiSarkar2 #ModiSwearingIn #ModiCabinet #sushmaswaraj

Manthan Shah on Twitter

Look whats trending… A person who is not even in cabinet these time. India is surely gonna miss you mam @SushmaSwaraj you were one of the best foreign minister India has ever witnessed, it would be too tough for the new person to follow your legacy.. #ModiReturns #sushmaswaraj

Sukanya Iyer on Twitter

Congratulations @SushmaSwaraj ji on a wonderful tenure! One the best EAMs India could ever have. India is truly indebted for your exemplary service to the country and its citizens. Wish you the best of health and happiness 🙂 #SushmaSwaraj


Aayush Joshi on Twitter

It’s is saddening to not see #SushmaSwaraj not up there taking the oath with other ! Just wish good luck and best health for the future!! She is a star ! Always will be regardless of her designation . We love you @SushmaSwaraj mam!


Thansif BM on Twitter

You Will Be Remembered As a Great Human Being By Millions Of Indians, Many In Distress Whose Lives You Directly Touched, And As The Country’s Best EAM Till Date. Thanks For All The Good Work Madam. #We_Will_Miss_You 😔 @SushmaSwaraj #SushmaSwaraj

CKS 🇮🇳 on Twitter

ModiSwearingIn #ModiSarkar2 #SushmaSwaraj Sushma Swaraj would go down as most humane foreign minister of India. Her prompt help and her contribution to enhance image of India in the world as FM will be remembered for ages. Thanks ma’am @SushmaSwaraj 👍👍


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