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Actor Ami Sheth On Why Her New Role In American Comedy Has Nothing To Do With Her Looks

  • IWB Post
  •  July 24, 2018

Indian-origin actress Ami Sheth is happy she got to play the role of Sana on AMC’s new series, Dietland. Already a known name in Hollywood (she also plays Afreen on NBC’s Blindspot), she recently spoke about her character in detail.

She mentioned that it was the first time she didn’t have to worry about how she looked in front of the camera as the character she plays has got facial deformity. “I’ve never had to do prosthetic like that before and it was challenging but definitely a fun, different experience for me. I knew that when I booked this role, it had nothing to do with how I looked,” she told Elle India.

An ex-student from Veterinary medicine background, Ami says that the role of Sana is like a breath of fresh air for her. During an interview with The Teal Mango, she revealed that previously the roles available were few and pretty stereotypical. She’s happy that now the roles are open to ethnicity, which was unheard of in the past. Worried about the representation of South-Asian people in the West and discussing the ways in which it can be bettered, she said, “I feel like accurate representation comes from varied representation. Each of us comes from a different upbringing, whether growing up in the U.S., Canada, Europe, India or anywhere else in South Asia. There is no one universal story. So yes, as more stories are told with South Asian characters, representation gets more accurate. We need to continue to get more writers, directors, actors, and producers of South Asian backgrounds to join the entertainment field so our stories continue to be told.”

Talking specifically about the women actors, she told Elle India, “Writer’s rooms in television have usually been mostly men, but in the case of “Dietland”, the writers are entirely women, and the directors too. This nuance can be seen in the characters and in the performances — The characters are so strong and flawed, they are layered.” Adding how her new character inspires her, she shared, “Sana has this horrible story from when she was young where she was a victim of an acid attack, and she now lives in Calliope House, where she helps the other women who have suffered abuse. Sana is strong and unconventionally beautiful. She is a zen and calming force, and is the voice of reason and anti-violence in this series. I haven’t been able to play such a complex character before and this is the first time I’ve been able to evolve as much.”

Now that Ami has reached a certain place in her career, the derogatory suggestions she received in the past make her smile. She recalled, “I’ve had plenty of people say, “don’t bother, you won’t go anywhere”. People don’t understand that it’s not just a choice, it’s a need. If I wasn’t able to do this, I don’t know who I would be. It’s good not to let other people discourage you.”

Source: Elle India, The Teal Mango  

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