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Business Lullabies Story 1: Little Abhyash Taking Marketing Presentation at SKODA, Jaipur

  • IWB Post
  •  June 24, 2015


1st story of ‘Business Lullabies’ is here! As you know, the campaign was to miff the corporate stereotypes that believe that a mother cannot be an efficient employee. Due to this, she is always torn between home and work. To support the idea, Sheroes and Delhi Public School, Jaipur joined hands with us. We took 5 kids from DPS aged 4 to 6 and asked them to speak on behalf of all such moms whose career suffer because of this narrow perception. The kids were supposed to give live presentation in a board-meeting at Skoda Automobiles, Jaipur. One by one, they won our hearts using heavy business terms to justify ‘when my mom can nurture me, she can nurture your company as well’.


JWB’s Priyanka cheering him up before the session.

Let’s start with the interesting Marketing presentation attended by the Sales & Marketing department of Skoda. Little Abhyash, was geared up with his Marketing slide that said ‘Rebuilding Marketing Strategy for Mommy’s Brand’. Here – ‘Mother’ is considered a brand, a brand which is fading and is doubted for being good enough._MG_7668

While Mr. Abhyash did his last minute revision on the stage, JWB’s Ana explained the motive of rebranding motherhood to the audience.

 JWB’s Ana

JWB’s Ana

She remarked: “A mother is extremely emotional when it comes to her family. While at work, she can be the strongest leader possible. Though she has proved herself many a times, she is still doubted and is considered less efficient. It’s time we rebuild her image, and present her as the most powerful brand of humanity.”LifeCycleOfMotherhood

Abhyash wanted to add to it and that’s when our team stepped back. _MG_7642He said, “My mom is a doctor and is very talented. She never misses to check my homework even if she comes home late after treating people at the hospital. She is as unique as every other mom on this whole planet.”_MG_7656

He spoke all that in one breath! At that, employees clapped making him smile ear to ear._MG_7699

His topic of discussion was ‘Rebuilding strategy for mommy’s brand’, i.e. to find new plans in which our corporate houses understand the importance of mothers working in their offices.

Of course, there came times during the presentation when Mr. Abhyash forgot few business terms but that’s when our team aka his assistants came to rescue. Look at this picture; he looks too cute holding his half-pants. He-he._MG_7640 His mom and sister were also present in the board meeting to cheer for him.


Abhyash’s mother Dr. Mandira and elder sister.

He added, “My mom’s love is ever-growing just like my love for ice-cream!!”_MG_7664

To love a particular brand might sound difficult, be it a flavor of ice-cream! But when it comes to brand ‘Mommy’, we know our love is going to be growing with time. Our team along with Abhyash was trying to make the corporate offices fall in the same love with her._MG_7673

Later Abhyash’s wide eyes intrigued a question that no expert sitting there could answer. He said, “Like my mom, there are so many mothers who work and also make breakfast and pack school-lunch for their children. How do they manage it?”_MG_7720

Hmm, how do mothers manage it? The pressure from the family and her ‘crazy’ boss takes a toll on her life. He then explained how this ‘crazy boss’ can help her manage work-life balance and also promote the same philosophy among his other ‘boss’ friends. The ‘crazy boss’ must understand she can be multi-tasking and managing both home and work at the same time is an asset to her, not a limitation that harms her efficiency._MG_7722

Sometimes I see her tired and I want to give her all the love she gives to me every single day”, said Abhyash. Seeing his beaming eyes, the employees smiled on visioning this side of a mother’s life._MG_7724

The marketing class taught every one that if the brand ‘mom’ is not well-maintained, the potential in her can fade off. Here the question arises, how can we take care of the brand ‘mommy’ at workplaces?_MG_7663

Mr. Abhyash came prepared with some brilliant ideas. Here is the slide he asked his assistants to display:MarketingCommunications

Amazing ideas, right? We hope every company follows it so that every working mom is truly nurtured AND respected.

At the end, Mr. Abhyash asked the audience fiercely: “Do you agree to market Brand of Motherhood on the platform of equality in all?”Voting_MG_7748Every member sitting in the board-meeting showed his green-card meant for a ‘Yes’. _MG_7752Do you agree with Abhyash?

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