Art & Culture

28 Y.O. Deepali Who Cannot Hear Or Speak Picks Up Brushes & Repaints Her Life As A Winner

By Lavanya Bahuguna

October 28, 2017


Art is the only language she can see, hear and speak. Born deaf and dumb, 28-year-old Deepali Sharma began painting at the age of 6. It was a ‘disfigured’ portrait that she first drew on her cupboard. She took me to inside her home to show the places where she drew as a kid. I am glad her parents never got those areas white-washed and kept the collection intact.  

Mr. Surendra Sharma, Deepali’s father, translated most of her answers for me. I wanted to know all about this young girl and the dreams she’s sketched for herself. Below are the excerpts from the conversation I had with Deepali and her inspiring parents.

When did you realize Deepali was suffering from a hearing difficulty?

It was one year after her birth that we noticed how she wasn’t actually responding to our voices. We tried calling her with adorable names, but she never responded. Finally, we decided to consult doctors in Jaipur and Delhi, just to be sure and found out that our daughter was deaf. We were taken aback by the medical information yet didn’t lose hope. We decided to face the challenge.

Deepali, today, is a famed artist and people from around the world hunt for her artwork. What kinds of efforts did it take to reach where she is at the moment?

Starting from her education to the social life that she was about to construct, little Deepali manifested courage at every step. To begin with, we decided to put her through a school that helped deaf and dumb children gain the necessary abilities and prepare them academically for higher education. After three years of building a foundation, we got her admitted to a renowned school in Jaipur where the teachers and students welcomed her with open arms.

I am sure she had to make double the efforts compared to other kids of her age to be at par.

Deepali had always been a sensible child. She always knew she had to put in her extra efforts to be good at everything she would take up. She studied hard and we, her parents, were always there to lend an extra hand. Together, we made her a schedule to be accurate with her school and homework time. I remember sitting with her every evening to help her out with the studies. She was one of the best students throughout the 12 years while in school.

This is amazing!

It was in the school itself (2008) that we decided to get a hearing implant in one ear that cost us around 12 lac. This October, we will insert another ear’s support system so she can communicate in a more better form.

Talking about her interest in painting, when did she decide to take it up professionally?

It was right after the school that we were looking for exciting options for her. In the meantime, we happened to meet a family friend who agreed to teach her painting at her home. In the first three days itself, she showed us amazing results and expressed her curiosity in the field. Along with her BVA (Bachelors of Visual Arts) degree, she kept learning and exhibiting her art at the local galleries. She later went on to pursue MVA, as well. Do you know she was the second topper at the Rajasthan University?

Deepali, you are incredibly inspiring. I see so many people who make excuses and stay inside the four walls of their comfort. They never recognize their talent and hence, never make efforts to turn their heart desires into reality. Do you have a picture painted for your future?

First, I want to be able to teach others interested in the field. I want to travel extensively for this mission. I like it when they write about me and give my life’s example to motivate others. I never felt dull for a moment in my life and would like to spread the same positive vibe around me, too. Also, I want to meet PM Narendra Modi and gift him the portrait that I drew a few months ago.

What is the secret of your family’s happiness, Surendra ji? I like how all of you are full of enthusiasm and show no sign of worry on your faces.

When Deepali was diagnosed with hearing impairment, people told us all kinds of things. Girl and with a health defect – it can be too much of a burden for some families in India. But not for us. Our second daughter, Chhavi, too, has a hearing crisis and to be honest, we, as parents, aren’t bothered about the girls at all. Both of them are doing their best in lives and have a promising career. We haven’t let this small barrier block our happiness. Together, we’ve made it so far, and there is definitely no stopping for our precious daughters.

Do you have a dream for them?

All I want is to see them financially independent and confident. Before they get married, I want my daughters to feel complete and content within themselves. Till then, my wife and I are standing beside them. I’ve taken an early retirement from work so I could travel with Deepali and handle her marketing. We need to be vocal about her talent, you see. It’s the need of the hour.

Deepali, now that we’re done talking about your brilliant artwork let’s talk about your best friend. Shall we?

Her name is Parul, and I met her in the college. She is lovely and understands even my unspoken words. I’ve found my support in her. Although the college life is over, we make sure we meet each other once a week and gossip.

Deepali never learned to give up because she was never taught so. Her story isn’t just a benchmark for those who easily lose the life’s battle but also a parental guidance for families on how to nurture their child in a rightful manner.

Check out her artwork at